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We work in a strictly confidential and ethical manner, to bring legal certainty to our clients who seek the longevity of their wealth and family relationships.

Botelho Pupo e Salvador is duly enrolled and registered with the Brazilian Bar Association and respects national and international anti-corruption and data protection laws on behalf of our clients, acting with confidentiality in relation to all matters raised.

The firm, in relation to its performance before the public or private sector, directly or indirectly, does not act in any operation that violates (or intends to violate) any law, regulation, guideline, statute, subordinate legislation, judgments, requirements, notifications, instructions, decisions and sentences of any governmental authority in the Federative Republic of Brazil or abroad, respecting and promoting Law no. 12846/2013 (“Anti-Corruption Law”), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act and the Conventions and International pacts to which Brazil and the countries with which we operate are signatories, such as the OECD Convention on Combating Corruption of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (OAS Convention) and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

In our practice, we act in accordance with prevailing legislation on Personal Data Protection in Brazil and abroad, including, but not limited to Law no. 13709 of August 14, 2018, the General Law on Personal Data Protection (“LGPD”) and the determinations of regulatory bodies, in particular the National Data Protection Authority.

We strictly comply with the Statute of the Brazilian Bar Association, acting independently on behalf of our clients, guided by the duties set out in the Code of Ethics and Discipline.


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Rua Funchal, 263 - Conj. 84

Ed. Francisco Mellão - Vila Olímpia

Sao Paulo-SP  - 04551-060


Rua Giuseppe Franco, 287

garden fern

Jundiaí - SP  - 13211-440

​​​​ © 2021 Botelho Pupo and Salvador Advogados.

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